
Showing posts from February, 2008

Remote Desktop

I have always had an inclination towards using Linux. But there used to be lots of frustrations, when something doesn't seem to work the way it is supposed to. The major problem was running the remote desktop application. I had to remotely control my desktop which has Windows Xp using Linux. I somehow figured out after lots of trial and error and had it run using the RDPV5 protocol. The problem was it would work inside the campus and wont allow to connect from outside because of extra layer of security added by NUS VPN. The webvpn application crashes whenever tried on UBUNTU Linux. The problem was, it tries to use the command SU and install the application. UBUNTU does not allow SU command to be used and the activex control would crash. I tried too many options like correcting the install configuration file but nothing worked. Finally i decided to try and use openvpn, which is supported by SOC. There was a problem with logon. It would not allow me to logon with NUSNET ID. I was tot...