Paper writing

Paper writing is one of the most difficult things in PhD. Even after having all the results needed to establish a theory or the application of theory to a real-time application, it is always difficult to write a paper that is specific to the audience of the journal. It is also amazing to find that human mind is capable of putting together all the thoughts within few hours when pushed to limits in the name of deadlines.
Recently i face one....wasn't able to write two pages for 10 days and managed to write 14 pages within 28hrs...Literally continuous 28 hrs when given a deadline by my Prof. And by chance the paper has come out decently well.. Have submitted it to IEEE Transactions on intelligent Transportation Systems. Hopefully it will get accepted :-)


Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.
Balaji P G said…
it might not be a feasible option as each institution pays for the online access to the materials. It is upto the authors to maintain a repository of their papers ( Pre-prints which do not violate the terms and conditions)

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