Brindhavanasaranga raaga

This is one of the most beautiful raaga i have heard. There are thousands of tamil songs composed using this particular raaga. The most famous of these is the "pon onru kandaen pen angu illai". The description provided by Charulatha Mani in the Isai Payanam was excellent. I have become a great fan of this singer, even though she makes some songs look more carnatic, but still the program is about the carnatic music applied to film songs so i felt it relevant. The arohanam and avarohanam of this particular raaga is

sa ri2 ma1 pa ni3 sa  || sa ni2 pa ma1 ri2 ga2 sa

This is called as shudhdha madhyamam raaga since it uses ma1. I am not sure if this is playable in flute since i am not sure about Ni3 which is kakali. Need to ask my guru regarding this.

The link to various arohanam and avarohanam for all raagas is


vish said…
on valentines day some1 would expect a different blog ... but it amazes me the extent to which you know music .. just watched a tamil movie (in which jyothika was deaf) .. it was amazing ..
Balaji P G said…
The movie name is Mozhi....It has a very good scene where she would start feeling the music by touching the speakers
Anonymous said…

I am a first time visitor to your site...and my eyes fell on the name of my favourite raga as well...I love "Rangapura Vihara" rendered by Ms Subbalakshmi...Its so divine...

Keep up the good work,

Anonymous said…

I am a first time visitor to your site...and my eyes fell on the name of my favourite raga as well...I love "Rangapura Vihara" rendered by Ms Subbalakshmi...Its so divine...

Keep up the good work,

Balaji P G said…
Hi Shobha,

Thanks for visiting the blog... yes indeed the rendition of MS Subbulakshmi is divine in its true spirit

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