Type-2 Fuzzy logic

Its been a long time now since my last post. I wouldn't say i was busy. As a matter of fact i had lots of time, much more than what i used to have but out of laziness i did not update it. Anyways back to the blogging session, I was thinking about what to write out here. Even though i had written a blog article on fuzzy logic, i thought this topic should be more emphasized upon. The type-1 fuzzy logic is a very primitive type with very less features available in them. Sorry for having assumed that every one knows what type-1 means. When an input is fuzzified using two-dimensions only, it is called as type-1. When another dimension is added to this to increase its fuzzy nature, then it becomes type-2. I really wonder how people think in these ways and come up such beautiful ideas.

I would say i am not even 1% of these great people who have invented such methods. But still i am doing my PhD.....Hope i would be able to come up with such an idea that would be appreciated by someone someday. Coming back to type-2 fuzzy logic, the extra dimension added helps in overcoming the problem of environmental disturbances inherent in the signals sensed. This helps in effectively reducing them by giving a range of values possible as an output rather than a single crisp output that would undermine the very usage of Fuzzy logic. However the crisp output could be got by averaging or using centroid methods, or center of set methods. I am still a novice in this field and cannot comment much on these techniques. I would surely do a small analysis of this very soon in the blog.

If you happen to be in my Orkut friends list, do check out my updated album. I have updated with some of the snaps taken during my first international conference presentation.


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