
I have been lately experiencing a strange phenomenon. I am becoming more of an insomniac. I don't know if this trend is really good as it increases my working hours to 22 to 23 in a day. On the retro, whenever i sleep, i sleep for more than 8 hrs at a stretch. This has thrown my food habbits too in jeopardy. Initially i wanted to keep this blog site a strict scientific and technical discussion one. On the contro, i found the visitors to be near to zero. So thought atleast will make a smal diary for myself to put forward my thoughts and ofcourse blog in any new article that sounds interesting. It was really strange that this serves to help developing english a lot. When i read my first blog, i was really amased by the amount of grammatical mistake that i have commited. Not to mention, the redundancy. I used to creat huge lines without any breaks. I am trying hard to avoid those now. If at all any one go through my blog, do leave a comment if u find my english improving from the day i started blogging.

Coming to some technical aspects. I was reading some papers regarding the bayesian probability and mixture models. This was rather a new experience for me. I had read the same paper when i initially started my Ph.D in AI. At that time i understood very little. I would say it was the attitude that is different today. i am willing to accept my project and this makes a lot of difference. i was amazed by how the conjured me so much. I was thoroughly enjoying with most of it understandable.( I wouldn't dare to say that i understood the entire paper. It would be disgrace to the author). I was also taken aback by the sheer number of papers produced by people working in " Institute of Automation & Control" under Delft univerity. Though most of the papers are for internal publication, they have an open library whhich can be accessed by any researcher.

There is one instance which i would say rather humbled me. I wrote an e-mail to one of the leading professor. Ana L.C.Bazzan., an expert in distributed systems design with specialization in traffic control design. The mail was pertaining to one of the softwares written by him and his students. 
I thought that i would never get a reply but got it on the same day with detailed description of his software and why it might not be suitable for usage in my project. He even suggested some other open source product. I have to mention here that i am an advocate for open source. i love working in Linux. I think i will stop here for today...


Anonymous said…
keep track of ur spelling mistakes rather than ur grammar.. a sincere advice.. :P
Balaji P G said…
Thanks for the advice...I found some spelling mistakes in this blog...Anyways will try not to make some the next time

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