what can a 10g vibration do to you?

Hmm....What can write about this time??? Thought of putting down what i did today but realized it would be of no use for someone browsing to know about it. Finally decided to write about effects of vibration.  An interesting field of study. Do you know what a 10g acceleration can do to u??

You cannot imagine what would happen as we dont usually experience such high level of acceleration. A stealth could experience upto 5g when it is having a high mach number. But usually the pilots are guarded from such high levels by dampers. You might be wondering why an electronics person is talking about a mechanical phenomenon. I had the opportunity of simulating these high level vibration conditions ( simulation in the sense - real world creation of the environment that would be experienced by the launch vehicles during and after launch). The testing is usually done using Vibartion shaker which is capable of producing 2 tonnes of force. The usual vibration is for qualifying the space vehicle internal parts ( like ISU - Inertial sensor unit, INS - Inertial Navigation systems  etc.). For those who might not be knowing of INS - it is the heart of the launch vehicle and acts as a central command unit to interpret command from ground station and also in calculation of the proper orientation of the vehicle. usually the testing is done at accelerated rate but short period of time to avoid over-stressing of the systems. It is here that i learnt the value of a second. A small mistake done by me could put the entire lauch sequence in jeopardy as this was the final phase of the testing before it is sent to SHAR for final integration. There have been some tense moments where people would blame you for no apparent reason of yours. If you are not technically strong enough to defend yourself and make a stand then the entire IISU ( ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, a division of VSSC) would blame you for the delay in supplying the package. I have experienced a few of these embarassments but was able to defend myself to save my face.

Now back to the question...what will happen if you touch a vibration shaker (a mass of 3 tonne ) vibrating at 10g with a frequency of 300Hz? Any guesses...just your bone will be pulverized and no doctor can ever fix the problem as already the bone has transformed to powder............


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